Voucher | Elevación | Localidad | |
BioBot00367 | 300 m.s.n.m. | Bosque San Emilio | |
BioBot00368 | 300 m.s.n.m. | Bosque San Emilio | |
BioBot00369 | 300 m.s.n.m. | Bosque San Emilio | |
BioBot10828 | 600 m.s.n.m. | Colectado en el bosquesito cercano a la casa de los gusaneros | |
BioBot11085 | 600 m.s.n.m. | Sendero el Pajarito, Estación Gongora. | |
BioBot11086 | 600 m.s.n.m. | Sendero el Pajarito, Estación Gongora. | |
BioBot12825 | 250 m.s.n.m. | Bosquesito cerca de arboles en la via | |
BioBot12826 | 250 m.s.n.m. | Bosquesito cerca de arboles en la via | |
BioBot12827 | 250 m.s.n.m. | Bosquesito cerca de arboles en la via | |
nz-6043 | 100 m.s.n.m. | Guanacaste Conservation Area Península of Santa Elena Sector Ojo de Agua Site headwater of Río Cuajiniquil on road from Cuajiniquil river to Península of Santa Elena main entrance gate at Interamerican Highway | |
nz-7644 | 500 m.s.n.m. | La Cruz Área de Conservación Guanacaste Estación Maritza Quebrada Las Yeguitas cerca de las casas viejas de Orosí | |
Voucher: BioBot00367
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00367
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00367
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00367
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00367
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00368
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00368
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00368
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00368
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00369
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00369
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00369
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00369
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot00369
Colector: Roberto Espinoza
Voucher: BioBot10828
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10828
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10828
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10828
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10828
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10828
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10828
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10828
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11085
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11086
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11086
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11086
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11086
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11086
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11086
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12825
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12825
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12825
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12825
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12825
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12825
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12825
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12826
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12826
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12826
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12826
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12827
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12827
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12827
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot12827
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6043
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-7644
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-7644
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-7644
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-7644
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-7644
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Información recopilda y editada por Nelsón Zamora y Hanzel León
Fotografías e Información distribuidas bajo Licencia Creative Commons 4.0
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